A morbid curiosity seized a being... It's a human who, not having lived enough Wanted to feel himself living, feel like it's finally starting It's not all to take care of your teeth... You need to know what you're worth in front of the mirror And this little creature decided to taste the fruit
He prepared a toxic expedition Detailed it with passion Leaving would be easy, but how to come back to motion? I must call you, my faithful friend, you like men And dream of beyond the curtain And you will have to make my heart beat again But leave me there for a little while...
The liquid is injected...the heart is going to cease
I don't find myself being, but of emotions I'm aware My body breathed me in and seems to mock me, fair The light is identic, no surprises there I see myself, finally, my body, a glare Is body relevant? Is it flesh the ending?
I'm not judged, nor even stuck It's just all that is there I see you, you are life And seem to get ready to take me back to land But why this big smile on your face such a grin? Why are you coming naked against my skin? Facing this life that steals from behind...