Could not even [_?_] that [_?_] my eyes and see that there was blood through there long times ago Oh my love now bring the day with [_?_] even if it's lavender and I am violet by thy shame Never more like the silver hands of the moon With it's shield of screams Sensation dark as thy splendid diamonds She is like me, autumn her love like a bird I might wish my freedom Eyes like a sapphire full of desire hair of gold and lips of fire thou art like the waters, so soft is thy skin thou art the raven wishing he could sing like an ember, this I writhe and I loathe a flash of lightning so shattering thy rest thou art the wind that carriest me up
Oh she's everything I cannot see in my dreams she does not let me be now [_?_] try to [_?_] takest me
Longings of belief art past but the hollow echoes not died away this is all over eternally but it seems it hath been yesterday
Now abandon me [_?_] for a kiss it's making us feel sad [_?_] the wetness I feel under tears of mine that pour faster thanst they leave