A QUIET LIFE Felix Catt is a typical resident of Siberia Avenue, Surbiton. He looks gloomy, but in fact he is quite happy, and he leads a quiet life in this suburb of London. His wife Jerries looks after him carefully; she cleans the house regularly, and feeds him daily on well cooked meat and tinned vegetables. There is always a supply of fresh water for his whisky, and plenty of carpet space for putting practice, so he is very comfortable and content with suburban life. на окраине. Felix is very fond of his old dog, Sam. They go for walks together on Sundays. Today he is taking Sam to the local vet, because he is afraid that he is going blind. However, the vet is confident of curing him by means of a small operation. He is giving Sam an injection before operating on him, so that he will sleep peacefully the whole time and not feel any pain. There is even a pretty nurse standing by to comfort Sam in case he feels unhappy and lonely in the strange surroundings. In general, both Felix and Sam think that they don`t have a bad life, and they have no desire to change it for anything more adventurous.