Wolf down simply means to eat quickly or eat really fast. Sentence with “wolf down” would be “My grandpa wolfed down all of the pumpkin cheese cake; I didn’t even get to try some.” 7. Munch. Munch means to snack on something. So, a sentence with “ munch ,” “I can't stop munching on these delicious snacks ; now I wouldn’t have room for turkey.” And the last word of the day, let’s see, “leftovers.” Leftovers means extra or remaining food after eating and you usually bring it home with you, so um a sentence with “ leftovers ,” “I took home a lot of leftovers from Thanksgiving; I think I have enough turkey to last me for a week.” That is it for this podcast. Thank you for listening to the English Tonight podcast and letting me take up a few minutes of your busy day. If you like this podcast, please give us a five - star rating on iTunes and I would love to share your comments or rating on the next episode. Don’t forget to visit our website. Thank you very much . Bye - bye. Outro: Thanks for listening to the English Tonight podcast. For more tips on improving your English or a transcript of this podcast , visit us at www.speakenglishtonight.com