Today, I would like to ask you the question that I have recently had in my mind and it can actually be a very relevant topic for a discussion. So, Would you like to be extremely LOADED or you prefer making enough DOUGH just TO COVER YOUR BASIC NEEDS? I don’t know your STANDPOINT, but to tell the truth, I’ve come up with a conclusion that I wouldn’t like to be that wealthy. I don’t see any NECESSITY in having 5 SUVs(джип), 3 cottages etc, moreover, meanwhile there is someone who is STARVING because of having nothing to eat. Even despite the fact, I earned this money myself, I would rather share it with others. FURTHEMORE, there is a well-known fact, that money changes people. By the way, once, when I was in Armenia, an old woman told me “it doesn’t matter whether you’re loaded or not, but what really matters is whether you have a big heart or not”. Слова до тексту:
1) To be loaded – бути заможнім, при грошах 2) Dough – розм. Грощі ( взагалі це тісто) 3) To cover your basic needs –покрити базові потреби 4) Standpoint –точка зору 5) Necessity – необхідність 6) To starve – помирати від голоду, (розм. Дуже хотіти їсти im starving, I haven’t eaten anything since the morning) 7) Furthermore –тим паче, окрім того