U.K. parents will GET FINED if their children are always late for school. Britain's government is CRACKING DOWN ON "problem parents". Many families do not "FACE UP TO their responsibilities" by getting children to school on time. Many children do not show respect for their teacher. Parents already get a $100 FINE. But there will also be fines if parents take their kids on family vacations during school time. The plans are to raise standards in education, get children to school on time, and TACKLE TRUANCY. The U.K. government said the opposition's policies SET pupils UP to fail with "DUMBED-DOWN COURSES". It also said opposition policies did not think children might be intellectually curious or "capable of greatness". Furthermore, the government said their policies created very low expectations for students with ambition and potential. Слова до тексту:
1) To get fined – отримувати штраф, бути оштрафованим(fine – штраф) 2) To crack down on – приймати сурові заходи проти чогось 3) To face up to – бути готовим до(труднощів, незручних обставин, відповідальності) 4) To tackle – боротись (з проблемою)енергійно братися (за щось) ; займатися (чимось) 5) Truancy – прогул 6) To set up – викликати, спричиняти, заподіювати 7) Dumbed-down courses – курси спрощені до абсурду,