#27 “Pay it Forward!” Have you ever watched the film called “Pay it forward”, the main idea of which is to try to change the world for better? Don’t you agree that we live in a place that is full of disappointment, INEQUALITY and DESPAIR and we do need something to be changed? In this movie, our PRINCIPAL personage is a young boy who is given an ASSIGNMENT to make up an idea on how we can change the world for better and put it in action. Later on, he finds a concept of impacting positively on our society. Traver helps people do something that they can’t do themselves, asking them to pay forward not back. Thus, each person who is once helped, needs to assist 3 other people. Then, according to the PLOT of the movie, it becomes a great movement around the United States and all over the world. That could be a perfect world, if everyone of us tried to follow the same movement. But unfortunately, nowadays, we tend to lose such NOTIONS as : love, COMPASSION and humanity. 1) inequality – нерівність 2) despair – падання духом, безнадійність, 3) principal – головний (не плутайте з principle – принцип, правило) 4) assignment - завдання 5) plot – сюжет 6) notion – поняття, уявлення 2) погляд, думка; переконання, точка зору; 7) compassion – співчуття