#34 Everybody says that reading is ESSENTIAL, but why is it so? It is important to mention that there are different advantages we can SUCK OUT OF reading such as : INCREASING our vocabulary, reviewing writing and grammar steps. But the unique purpose of the writers is to give experience to the reader through their books. I think in order to write a good NOVEL, you need to live it once. So, a book is a life, where the main personages fail, succeed, STUMBLE, die, have their own families, friends, problems everything. I’d like to ask you a question, do you remember a moment when you were ABSORBED in thinking “Why did I do that?” or “I wish I hadn’t done it”. I think that a lot of writers start their works exactly after having said the same words. They would definitely like to prevent other people from making some wrong decisions that they have once made. That’s why while reading a book, we live somebody’s life with its challenges, beauty and FRUSTRATION.
Written by Maiornykov Dyoma
1) Essential - істотний, істотно важливий 2) To suck advantage out of smth – вбирати користь з чогось 3) To increase – збільшувати 4) Novel – роман 5) To stumble- спотикатися, оступатися; 6) absorbed –поглинутий, захоплений 7) Frustration - розлад, зрив; розгром 2), крах; провал; психол. фрустрація; розчарування; невіра у свої сили