A fine star of the name of Hendekagrammaton Manifest the forces beyond matter-a-fact State the wretched reality established In all these ignorants folly woth a tension of
Occult light so vibrant hidden us supernal darkness Of bondage to the lord at the gates of matter
Free the fire Free the blood Azoth of hypertype transmigration Kill me of want before Cosmic metacentrum Free the will Free the twin To free my life I command thee
Name of Hendekagrammaton is known in deep That mirrors the stars in the fields of black
Where these halls of ancient one found today a keep Of a race drowned in dawn of our timely gap
The man is flooding in as particles give way deep inside In the very core to the dreaded one of finer matter
It is already here
Free the fire Free the blood Azoth of hypertype transmigration Kill me of want before Cosmic metacentrum Free the will Free the twin To free my life I command thee