Totz temoros e doptans quais qui’s laiss’a non chaler sol puesc’entre’ls bos caber vuelh que si’auzitz mos chans pero no’m n’entremetria si mon voler en seguia mas francamen m’en somo tals cuy non aus dir de no Dompna cuy suy fis amans vos me faitz viur’e valer e quan pensan m’alezer el’s guais amoros semblans que m’an mes de joy en via dic vos que no’n camjaria a la belha sospeisso per nulh autr’oc vostre no Pueys qu’anc no’us vi ni davans no pogui dels helhs vezer re que’m pogues tan plazer sia mos pros o mos dans pus qu’ieu vos vi belh’amia e quar m’en lays per feunia o per un pauc d’uchaizo guerrey mi eys e vos no Dompna no sai si’us plairia qu’ie’us vis o si’us pezaria en tan gran doptansa so no say s’ie’us vis o si no.
All afraid and uncertain seemingly nonchalant, on the condition that I be accepted by experts I want my song to be listened to still, I would not undertake it if I obeyed my will but frankly such a person requests it that I dare not say no My lady with whom I am sincerely enamored, you allow me to live and be worthy and when I delight in thinking of the gay, loving forms that put me on the road to joy, I tell you that I would not exchange for great hope a yes from another for your no. From the moment I saw you and before, I could see with my eyes, the object that could please me so much; whether to my advantage or detriment from the moment I saw you, dear friend, and since I leave you by mistake or for some reason I torment myself and not you. My lady I do not know if you would like for me to see you or if it would displease you I feel so uncertain that I do not know whether to see you or not.