Let's go up the hill and fetch a pail of water, We'll hold it to the lips of all the sons and daughters Your parents called you Jack, my parents called me Jill They've given us the pail, they've shown to us the hill
The path is steep and winding, the sun is hot and unabiding, but there, there is the well! There is the well and our bucket sinking, It comes up brimming, and we keep on drinking
Little Jack is acting wild, He's made me a crown of flowers (I've never seen him like this) He's splashing me with water We've been dancing here for hours He takes me in his arms, and in this tender thrill, I marvel at my chances, I'm so happy to be Jill
True love and water For both of our lips
True love and water For both of our lips
He has a lovely voice, I adore to hear him sing He's forgotten he's a peasant boy, he's acting like a king He's promising me castles and pleasure manifold He thinks the town will shower him with silver and with gold
When we bring True love and water To every son and daughter
True love and water For all of their lips
He's running down the hill, he seems to have forgotten our task because the water keeps on spilling and he's pulling me too fast He says come on, lovely Jill, the sun is going down We've got to show the world, show them what we've found It's written in the stars, it's written in the stars This true love of ours It's written in the stars
Little Jack's foot hit a root in the ground He went tumbling, tumbling, tumbling down as written, Written in the stars He had my arm, he holds it still As I stare up at the dizzy sky and wonder why I'm Jill
True love and water Were lost in the spill So very close To the bottom of the hill