marching through the square StC♯mencil flags of insurrection, daBncin' through the air REead the rants of a Thomas Paine Aof modern dEay AI have felt a spiErit, that has nBot yet gone aEway
BoyEcott me and boycott this and mBute your children's moEuths WAhen they sing along to this very sEong SpAread word all aroBund
Hey, FAOP, boyEcott me fBor I am standingC♯m up I'd raAther taste a reEbel's glory than dBrink blood from yEour cup' I'd raAther taste a reEbel's glory than drBink blood from your cup
Breakdown E A E A E B E
REead the rants of those in jail
and those who rode the rails Then C♯mlay down on the roads we paved eat the crBumbs we used for trails And discEredit all the rogues, liberty's cracked wiAthin the beElls The demAon's in your heaEvens and the anBgels in your heElls
BoyEcott me and boycott this and mBute your children's moEuths WAhen they sing along to this very soEng SpAread word all aroBund
Hey, FAOP, boyEcott me fBor I am standingC♯m up I'd raAther taste a reEbel's glory than drBink blood from yEour cup' I'd raAther taste a reEbel's glory than drBink blood from your cup
C♯m E A E B C♯m B E
TEhe scorned few of today
are the heroes of tomorrow They'll C♯mbe a holiday, times oBf regret and sorrow and whEen they're pressed on stamps we'll hAope they're not forgEotten So leAt's go down in hisEtory, blacBklisted and boycEotten
BoyEcott me and boycott this and mBute your children's moEuths WAhen they sing along to this very sEong SpAread word all arBound
Hey, FAOP, boyEcott me fBor I am standingC♯m up I'd ratAher taste a reEbel's glory than dBrink blood from yEour cup' I'd raAther taste a reEbel's glory than drBink blood from your cup