Maybe I have no grounds to feel jealous but I'm just a guy who's gotta say it like it is
I must be sure of your love on that I exist is there someone to whose heart you would run just tell me now darling, I will be gone but if he is just stealing from me then that would be wrong
I stand my ground against any man who would try to take you from my arms if you know me at all you know I don't let go as long as you want me that's all that I need to know
Difenderò tutto ciò che sento mio il mondo che ho costruito intorno a te per questo io pretendo la tua lealtà difenderò l'amore mio come solo so battermi io posso farlo però solamente se c'è più di un motivo per esser sicuro di te
I'm a peace loving man but I'll take the blows as long as you want me that's all that I need to know I don't back down when I've got my feet on the ground I'm a peace loving man posso farlo però but I'll take the blows solamente se c'è as long as you want me più di un motivo that's all that I need to know per esser sicuro di te that's all that I need to know per esser sicuro di te