Ben è crudele e spietoso ki non si move a gran dolore de la pena del Salvatore, che di noi fo si amoroso!
Amoroso veramente fo di noi, cum gran pientança poi ke d’alto ‘nnipotente, discese ad nostra semblanca. Or, non fo grande disianca per noi prender humanitate et darsi in altrui podestand quei ke sovr’ogá è poderoso?
Riposo I Camin et forte ci trovo, ciascuna dia! Picciol tante, i volse morte dar Erode cum fellunia: Cristo e loseppo cum Maria fuggiero in terra d’Egipto, et canpar per tal respicto de li mani del niquitoso.
Niquitoso, fals’ e reo trovo’l popolo iudaico, predicando’l vero deo. Ciascun, farisei’ et laico, più for duri k’aciaio indonaco d’intendar, quella gente praca! Quant’esso più miraculava, ciascun gli era più indivioso.
Indiviosi miscredenti, quanto cristo iniuriaste! Sanicando vostre gente, suscitando, l’accusaste ad Pilato, et puoi pigliaste, comparandolo dal traditore, ke suo ministr’er’ e factore, per tornamentarlo, glorioso!
(Anonym, 13. Jhdt.)
Cruel and pitiless is he who is not moved to great sorrow by the suffering of the Saviour who loved us so greatly.
Truly, he loved us so much, with such great pity, that he came down from his high throne of power to take on human form. Now was that not a great desire, that he took on humanity for our sake, that he who had power over all gave himself into the power of others?
Cruel and pitiless is he who is not moved to great sorrow by the suffering of the Saviour who loved us so greatly.
They whipped the man of sorrows, they crowned him with thorns; his body gushing with blood took hard punishment for your sake.
With great torment, with great damage they made him carry his cross and let him to led him to judgment like a lazy beggar.
Cruel and pitiless is he who is not moved to great sorrow by the suffering of the Saviour who loved us so greatly.