Darkness comes, fear has arrived Hordes wondering lost in a different time Horrified face on the edge of madness Crawling over cold sharpened rocks
Blood is the only boundary, accidental A survival instinct prevails Dictates integration Against natural rebellion
Burning to ashes All surrounders Nothing but fear No morphine present Only acts of faith Agonizing chains, hunger and aggression Lesser children Mutilated bodies of nature A wicked mother A gained death, unnoticed, brutal Cruel mutilation A different spell A different instinct of fear Rare beauty, rare love
Ugly rage, again despair Magic initiation, dangerous rituals Of pain and unconsciousness Expected sacrifice With purpose of creation Strange anger to be satisfied
Rival tribes, the symbol of an early death And the doubt of agonizing eyes Should be expected A point of light will be kept The cost will be life, will be death Strange wondered faces Cannibals for nothing Cannibals for nothing In the end, life stands Cannibals for nothing