point your finger when I speak, accusing everyone controlling everything by fear, you must believe the son blind devotion is the key, the church you will obey a donation for your salvation, it's the only way
preaching what they say is right condemning everything in sight taking money, taking time no one gave his life for mine
there is no wrong there is no right only my view versus your view, you're all blind self-imposed limits destroying mankind fear of damnation breeds sheltered lives religion has done it since the dawn of time it's mind control
from the flock withhold the truth, the good sheep will reign ignorance with open arms, accepted all the way looking back through history, nations rise and fall all due to a fucking lie, I can't stand it all
corruption in its finest form, pure hypocrisy countless lives destroyed for what? fanatics all agree free your mind think for your self, don't listen to what they say don't live your life based on a myth that changes day by day