I guess you might be wondering What Eurovision is all about Is it about the glam, the glitter or the shiny shoes we wear? Hell no, it's about a number A combination of 1 and 2 Such a powerful constellation It's the highest score in Eurovision
When you go back in history Let's do it together You will clearly see that 12 is such a mindblowing number
There were 12 brave knights around king Arthur's table 12 disciples cheered on while Jesus cured the disabled 12 amazing men have walked the Moon It's not hard to see why we give a 12 to our favorite tune
The 12 step Minnesota Model Will surely make you quit the bottle Let me tell you it's not a joke that all great things are adding up to 12 Google it and it will soon be clear that There are 12 months in a normal year, and... I must inform you that it's different with the calendar in China
Sometimes they got 13 months in a year Could we please stick to the topic No, I think it's time to tell people some facts about China
Because there are more than a billion who speak Mandarin We thought 12 was the subject but let us join in You are much more than welcome in this China-song Let us mention random things about China, come on, play along
Dim sum, deep fried, everything stir fried Great Wall, springrolls, Gong Gong, Nihau Ping Pong, fireworks, dominoes, chopsticks, opium Come and join us now
Nikolaj: - Ok. Are you done? Pilou: - Yes, I think so...
Because there were 12 brave knights There was a land called China No, there were 12 brave knights around king Arthur's table Made in China 12 disciples cheered on while Jesus cured the disabled 12 amazing men have walked the Moon Ban Ki-Moon It's not hard to see why we give a 12 to our favorite tune
Nikolaj: - He is not from China, you know. Pilou: - What... Nikolaj: - He is from South Korea. Pilou: - Oh... I'm sorry.