3 -4~~~~ -4~~~~~ -4 5 -5 5 4 3~~~~~~~ The first- time--/ ev-er I/saw your face--/---/ And the first time/ ever I/kissed your mouth/--/ And the first time/ ever I/ lay with you--/--/
4 5~~~~~ 5 -5~~~~ 6~~~ 6 6 6~~ -6 6-55 -4~ I thought the sun/--rose-/-in your eyes---- / I felt--the earth/--move-/-in my hand-----/--/ I felt-your heart/--so---/-close to mine---/--/
~~ 3 3 6~~~~ 6 6 -5~~~~~~~ 5 -4 / And the moon/--and the stars--/- were the/ /like the trem/-bling--- heart--/- of a / / and I knew/--our joy---/-it would /
5 4 3~~~~~~~ 3~~~~ 3 -4~~~~~~~~ gifts you gave--/- to- /- the dark---/ cap-tive bird--/- that-/- was there--/ fill the earth-/- and--/------last--/
~ -4 -4 4 -4 4~~~~~ 3 3~~~~ and the end-less/skies--my love-/ to v2 at my com---/mand----my love-/ to v3 til the end of /time----my love-/to final 9 bars
3 -4 -4~~~~~~ -4 5 -5 5 -5 5 -4~~~~~~~ The first time---/- ev-er I/saw---- /---/
4 4 -4 -4~~~ 5 5~~~~~~6 6 your face / your face--/ your face-/-your/face//