The peasants sit under a tree and could... Not believe the whole story... When suddenly a man came out of the nothing and wanted to know what they have
A hunter green with green robe, Red hair and red beard A red feather in his hat
I can help you, dear friends of faith But you have to promise me an unbaptized child The trees I'll get you in this time... This child is the only thing... I desire!
Und mir schwöre dert im Maimond... ungerem Boum e grusige Schwur... Und mir verchofe üsi Seele... am ne Ma im ne grüene Huet
Ig... ig cha euch häufe... verspräche müsst ihr mir es Ching... wo weder Touft no gsägnet und nid ufgno isch... nid ufgno isch...