Hey Kid, Wanna have some fun? Choose a side And, here's your gun
Brought up, Knowing right from wrong, Squash the meek, Inherit the strong
Just try and, Cross the line, Don't even bother To waste my time
What's that Look in your eyes? It's time I cut you, Down to size
This world ain't Big enough for two, And I've got my Sights on you [ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsfreak.com/e/extreme/warheads_20052225.html ] WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE, I'M A WARHEAD YOU'RE A WARHEAD A WARHEAD JUST LIKE ME? HE'S A WARHEAD SHE'S A WARHEAD WATCH 'EM SCREAM 'N YELL WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE, A WARHEAD TOO WHEN I BLOW THEM STRAIGHT TO HELL
Ramboy, It's us and them Just like your Daddy In Vietnam Monkey see, Monkey do, Your boy's grown up Just like you
This world ain't Big enough for two And I've got my Eye on you
I've seen Black heads, White heads, Red heads, Dead heads, Big heads, Shit heads, But, there's no heads Like WARHEADS!