Who's got a smile like a wild boar? Whose teeth cut chain at the hardware store? The girl who's rotten to the core Icky Vicky Boo doo bee doop Whose breath smells like a dog's behind? Who's cuddly as a porcupine? Who's a curse on all mankind? Icky Vicky Boo doo bee doop Who only comes out at night? Who gives ghosts and ghouls a fright? Who gave Dracula a bite? Do I even have to say it? Chippington & Noah's Ark-estra: Ba dum ba dum bum bum bum Chippington: Who's the meanest girl in town? Who turns smiles into frowns? The biggest dragon in Chinatown? Icky Vicky Chippington, Pappy, and Timmy: Boo doo bee doop!