They will sum it all up in a sentence a veredict made by those who know I´m ready to make a commitment I´m willing to make love to concrete
Smiles bruises smiles bruises bars in the womb I hide the dirty minutes under my dirty mattres and they are making me itch my time is spilt milk
My skin is a layer of soot I´m spendig my days scrubbing I´m trying so hard to act like nothing happened(No one left to blame) I´m trying so hard to find that fresh clean smell(No one left to blame)
Smiles bruises smiles bruises bars in the womb I hide the dirty minutyes under my dirty mattres and they are making me itch my time is spilt milk
Cruel words sleep above me Mounting and teasing
I am what I´ve done I am what I´ve done I´m sorry I´m sorry SORRY