I'm Astigmatic* And you say there's a twincest Between my bro and me I'm Astigmatic You know he looks like a girl and I've lost my bifocals You're Astigmatic When you beat our drummer With two bottles of beer You're Astigmatic Asked you to hit our bass player We hate Georg...
Where did I leave My lenses? Damn I have lost My lenses! Someone took My lenses! I can't find My lenses!
I'm Astigmatic Thrown a butt on a groupie At a gas pump from Hamburg I'm Astigmatic And indeed I thought she was A very high ash tray
So Astigmatic He's short sighted She's long sighted I'm Astigmatic
Where did I leave My lenses? Damn I have lost My lenses! Someone took My lenses! I can't find My lenses!
Astigmatic 4x
Each step You make You don't know Where it takes Your heart Your soul When you Don't know Where you are anymore You're Astigmatic like me!
My lenses 2x
Where did I leave My lenses? 2x
Where did I leave My lenses? Damn I have lost My lenses! Someone took My lenses! I can't find My lenses!
Astigmatic (There's no lenses) Astigmatic (Damn lenses) Astigmatic (Where did I) Astigmatic (Leave my lenses?) Astigmatic
* Астигматик - человек страдающий астигматизмом. Астигмати́зм (медицина) — дефект зрения, связанный с нарушением формы хрусталика или роговицы, в результате чего человек теряет способность к чёткому видению.