Shurima's sands they grasp at us Though nature conspires we're victorious Listen now my soldiers, heed you attention This if the beginning of a glorious ascension See how they question, they can't understand Watch as they tremble, their quivering hands Our enemies cower, so week and witless You need not follow, but you must witness When sun arises all will see!
Your emperor arrives! To elimenate the lies! Though some of you will die Shurima will survive!
Hear now, my solemn decree I will stand and fight with thee They call us enemy, but we're no villains You need not follow, but you must witness When the light emerges, all will see!
Your emperor arrives! To elimenate the lies! Though some of you will die Shurima will survive!
Through the sands - we march! Through the storm - we charge! Through the night - we prowl! There's no escape you cannot stop us now!
Your emperor arrives! To elimenate the lies! Though some of you will die Shurima will survive! The sands will arise! Erupting to the skies! Though some of you will die Shurima will survive!
Falconshield - Shurima Will Survive (Original LoL ... Our tribute to the new champion of League of Legends - Azir, the Emperor of the Sands. If you ...
Nightcore Azir - Shurima Will Survive (Liga of ... Enjoy :) Original song:Falconshield - Shurima Will Survive (Original LoL song - Azir)
FalconShield - Shurima will survive【中文字幕】 莫名奇妙的意外我原本翻好的東西不見了... 延宕了兩天還是沒處理完只好先發另外 一個給各位嘗鮮了實在是非常抱歉m(_ _)m ...