I lie wide-eyed on the ground, while I stare at these landscapes that are slowly burning among walls of flames, in a land I never got the chance to know. I am so far removed from my everything. All of this might one day not astonish me, all of this might someday lose its scent, dampened, just as everything will fade away. I feel blessed and proud to be standing exactly where I got to stand, to be feeding my mind with the new keeping it busy, leaving behind the pressure and exhaustion of surviving under the weight of concerns. I got told I must accept the banality of living, but what’s the price to pay? I know all I’m running away from is still there, waiting home, at my front door, waiting to wrap its strong limbs around me. That day will come. The sun will stop shining on my face, warming my blood, and my existence will get on clipping my own wings.