"Ich wette sie haben dich chemisch ruhig gestellt, ja? Drogen! Was kriegst du fürn Zeug? Thorazine, Haldol? Wieviel, wieviel? Merk dir deine Drogen, vergiss die Dosis nicht, das ist Elementarwissen! - Hör zu, ich muss dringend telefonieren! - Telefonieren, telefonieren. Das fällt hier unter Kommunikation mit der Außenwelt, das entscheiden hier die Ärzte. Äh, ne, Guck doch hier, wenn all die Irren telefonieren könnten, könnte der Wahnsinn sich doch verbreiten, und er sickert durch die Telefonleitungen und er quetscht sich in die Ohren der ganzen armen gesunden Bevölkerung und infiziert sie. Bekloppte überall, Epedemie des Irrsinns. Und weißt du was, weißt du was? Von uns hier, na komm, von uns hier ist in Wirklichkeit kaum jemand geisteskrank. Ich weiß natürlich nicht wie das bei dir aussieht, soweit ich weiß könntest du, ungh, ungh, nen völligen Schuss loshaben. Aber deswegen bist du nicht hier, deswegen bist du nicht hier, deswegen bist du nicht hier. Hier drin bist du wegen des Systems!"
"...Games, Games. Here's some games. Games that want to get out, ha. See? More games. Games, they vegetize you. See? BAH! If you play the games you're voluntarily taking a tranquilizer. I guess they gave you some chemical restraints, huh? DRUGS! What'd they give you? Thorazine? Haldol? How much, how much?? Learn your drugs, know your dosages, it's elementary. -I need to make a telephone call. -Telephone call? That's communication with the outside world. Doctors discretion. Uh-uh. Nah. Hey, if all these nuts could make just make phone calls, it would spread insanity oozing through telephone cables. Oozing to the ears of all these poor, sane people. Infecting them. Wackos everywhere, a plague of madness. In fact, very few Jim, Jim, very few of us here are actually mentally ill. I'm not saying you're not mentally ill, for all I know you're (twitches) crazy as a loon. But that's not why you're here. That's not why you're here, that's not why you're here!! You're here because of the system. There's the television. It's all right there. All right there. Look, listen, kneel, pray. Commercials. We're not productive anymore. We don't make things anymore. It's all automated. What are we for then? We're consumers. Yeah. Okay, okay, buy a lot of stuff, you're a good citizen. But if you don't buy a lot of stuff, if you don't, what are you then I ask you? What? Mentally ill! Fact, Jim, fact. If you don't buy things: toilet paper, new cars, computerized blenders, electric operated sexual devices, stereo systems with brain implanted headphones, screwdrivers with miniature built in radar devices, voice activated computers!!"