Rivers of blood, the sky of flesh. Of the dead bones of the earth. The ashes of the city of Grozny Troops already long standing. Grinding of iron and the whistle of mortar Nullify the soldiers crazy. Tears and soot, tanks firing. Here the war began.
Children's corpses covered the house. Their affection wrapped fire. On the dirt with bones, rustling his boots, Ran a company through this stink. Clearly in the company, from somewhere overhead, non-stop the machine gun shoot. Soldiers in zinc coffins go home. It started a jihad.
Oh, Shahid! Your sinister, gloomy face Death of a smile light up. Your Town in the fire burning.
Snipers kill strengths and weaknesses, Killing many people the dead. Bullets kiss on the forehead and in the heart, Moving through the smoke. In tanks burning freedom fighters. This fire will be everlasting. War does not spare anyone, it continues. Here is the beginning of terror.