Destruction is the word Often repeated on the battlefield Getting rid of the bastards Automatical reaping Ideas never the same Detailled commands repeated without any problem Expedition My elites are always in position Hard and safe Reaching perfection All is in the blood Especially not sympathetic While deafening Committed firecrackers Why so much war? Why so many volunteers? Most of the deaths they are involuntary Excess The counting is never correct but excellent With a bit of momentum I’m killing the lazy The enemy woeful I love the ocean Hiring giants Engaging contradictions To executive soldiers They become fugitives My ambition… Wide like the black sky Run through my veins Mixes red with black Love and hatred Definition of my memory Change the world in peace My weapons are awake My ambition Attack each country In an ethnical silence Orbiting secrets for the historical fact Definition of my memory Change the world in peace My weapons are awaken Mankind starts with love Ends up with ambition Provoked by prohibitions Always in competition Synonymous of collaborations Never dumping information Desire is giving powers Beware, do not put your bib Abuse is always in your duty In case of emergencies The goal must look Transparent that your team is pushing your back Skills to possess Coherence in your life Intelligence followed by desires Diligence gives the infinite difference The dare-deviling Loves jealousy The enemy is in front of the mirror Not in the hallway Check out, having the time to be alone Stay in position The project has started Each of my footsteps, I make them resonate