Here... Down within the dead pile Down amongst the dead \"Down within the dead pile Down amongst the dead\"
Calling... Nameless... Rootless
Currents, ply thy lash Scorched and drowned Punished and forgotten Left to oblivion's embrace
Dwell... Eschaton
Carry this rock, our testament A memorial etched in stone (For each of us outside) - one tablet One vessel, one guide, one totem Whose roots dwell far below
At the depths
Who amongst them shall bear the names? At the dawn of the ending? When the crimson window opens To flood all with the rage of the firmament? To name is to remember To remember is to summon To give form from memory This keening is sounds forever
Thy back stoops low Under the weight of these stones
Where upon the judgment of the end-time Will be laid bare upon a blackened canvas To honor the litany of myriad of past worlds Immortalized, crystalline To be dissolved within pyres of subjugation
And there will be no sound Silent are the funerals - For circles wreathed in ash