1. Casual Violence - Name And Form 2. JoyB - No Signal 3. Sleeper - Ephemerol Delivery 4. Roberto Ayensa - Gaba Hey 5. Structural Form - Hell 6. George Lanham - Page 198 7. ROBotron - Black (Original Mix) 8. 00153 - Z3N1TH 9. Mutant - A Certain Momentum 10. Ayarcana - Clutch 11. Savagen - Indoor Puncture 12. Voidloss - When I Snap You Better Hope You Are Not Near Me 13. Sean Matters - Mackenzie 14. Dubit - Klassick 15. Jay Saunter & Formal Method - Untitled 2 16. Gingat - Out Of Control (Atie Horvat Remix) 17. Yves De May - Transfer #1 (Shifted Remix) 18. Blind Summit - Concave Reflections)