I call your love You feel To content surreal life It’s all that left for me Hear boy…hear boy
How scattered all around leaves rustle underfoot Flowers are frozen with tears with windflaw How brightly the sun shines here till nightfall And so many things which you don’t heed
Come on Hello, guys You wanna dance Dance somehow Hands up your bodies inflame
Come on It’s all right It doesn’t matter how Above all you dance dance in your own way What if I wait your kiss And I just like you I’ve been coming apart at the seams Wave a wand I’d take on life Awake from slumber You will see I am the same
How scattered all around leaves rustle underfoot Flowers are frozen with tears with windflaw How brightly the sun shines here till nightfall And so many things which you don’t heed You’re getting closer And even I don’t like you I suffer a touch to me though you can’t trust me My face shows easiness But until bond engine gets an order to assail What if I wait your kiss And I just like you
I’ve been coming apart at the seams Wave a wand I’d take on life Awake from slumber You will see I am the same
How scattered all around leaves rustle underfoot Flowers are frozen with tears with windflaw How brightly the sun shines here till nightfall And so many things which you don’t heed
Come on Hello, guys You wanna dance Dance somehow Hands up your bodies inflame
Come on It’s all right It doesn’t matter how Above all you dance dance in your own way