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If I was in World War Two they'd call me spitfire If I was in World War Two they'd call me spitfire If I was in World War Two they'd call me spitfire If I was in World War Two they'd call me spit. Fire Fire Fire Fire Cause you know that I can Cause you know that I can If I was in World War Two they'd call me spitfire If I was in World War Two they'd call me spitfire If I was in World War Two they'd call me spit. Fire If I was in World War Two they'd call me spitfire Fire Fire Fire Cause you know that I can Fire Cause you know that I can If I was in World War Two they'd call me spitfire If I was in World War Two they'd call me spitfire If I was in World War Two they'd call me spit. Fire If I was in World War Two they'd call me spitfire Fire Cause you know that I can Fire Fire