Always the underdog Always the under… Crawling alone Inching the way with fervor; resilience Keep low, lick your lips For just a taste of the bone You’re trying to drag us down But you can’t cage us anymore We’ve broken the shackles and now You can’t bring us down anymore Always the underdog Always the under… Scratching pavement Your claws yearning to make an imprint Keep low, keep steady, keep hush… Keep hush your raging resentment You’re trying to drag us down But you can’t cage us anymore We’ve broken the shackles and now You can’t bring us down anymore We’re thrusting our hearts to the ground We’ll shake this old earth to the core We’ve broken the shackles and now You can’t bring us down anymore Just wait, just wait and see How gnarly this dog’s bite can be Because the underdog knows Just what the alphas are missing… The best time to strike is when nobody is looking