The clock is ticking as the hours pass us by Second after second, the minutes seem to fly I hope this time without you is a passing thing and I'd Give anything to have you by my side
It's not easy for me to love myself So how can I expect it from someone else? Show me how it feels to have someone Let me feel just once that I'm not alone It's not easy for me to hide my heart When I wear it on my sleeve Just spend one moment with me It could change everything
Love is never patient It's rarely ever kind It's wasted on the worthless And sometimes it seems impossible to find
Dreaming feels like a one-way ticket to pain I see only visions of what we could have been And even though I kept it all inside These feelings I can no longer hide I only ask a moment of your time For one last look into those eyes
It's not easy for me to love myself So how can I expect it from someone else? Show me how it feels to have someone Let me feel just once that I'm not alone It's not easy for me to hide my heart When I wear it on my sleeve Just spend one moment with me It could change everything
It's not easy for me to hide my heart When I wear it on my sleeve Just live one moment with me It could change everything It's not easy for me to hide my heart When I wear it on my sleeve Just spend one moment with me It could change everything