The frozen crypt is silent ... As only a grave can be Endless I live in vain Roused from my funeral sleep
My untbriven vault is wide Under the cold winterly sky Drawn from the eternal dream I already learn for death
Another wine flushes my veins And drives me out my grave My swaddling clothes are of black silk And my cradle is made of stone
The gothic cemetery crypt Kisses the scarlet lips of life From thence I came hither again For a silhouette through the unlight... ...From beyond the grave
La crypte froide est silencieuse Comme seule peut l'être une tombe Sans fin j'existe en vain Profanant mon sommeil funèbre
Mon triste caveau s'ouvre à la vie Sous un ciel d'hiver glacial Arraché aux rêves éternels J'aspirais déjà à la mort
Clad with a dress of mourning A leaden beauty arose Her silken hair lightly floating She came beside my bed of stone
In a summoning charm Made of divine progeny She kissed me with saddened eyes -"Follow me !" - I follow thee
You shall dwell here eternally Between the dead and the living