Pay for this, pay for that It's your contamination Produce your waste, wretch as I listen Sell out and walk along The side of pop chart heroes You're feeding the weak--Pollution So sing along, and sway together Sell your pride for debt To companies that gloat in riches MTV (sing along) It's your new sound (sing along) Emo kids with lighters lit, your tears stream down Your bright lights, your bullshit illusions OOOOOOOOOH FUCK!!! You spit on all that's been prolific As I'm pouring out my soul Onto others, so the masses can release emotion Fuck---fuck you, it's a boundary of creativeness We see you in the pit, your ink don't mean shit Stay true to yourself, don't belong to no one else VH1 (sing along) Its all been done (sing along) Studded belts and wallet chains The trend is dead-----DEAD! Hit em up---Grow up!