A faint white light shines, and You smile at me – in wonder at The sensation of snow. It's still far off, in a quiet daydream..
赤く滲む空に 流る水の冷たさは 和らぎ光が温もり集めて 彩られた木々に包まれて眠る
The chill of the water Flowing through a sky slowly turning red, Gathers a calming warmth in the light, Still asleep, embraced by trees in full color.
鮮やかな音の世界 踊る大地の女神 彩る声が空高く響く 春風が運ぶ 甘い花の囁き I'm praying that one day spring comes to your mind.
A world of brilliant sounds, a dancing goddess of the earth: Her colorful voice will ring high into the sky, and The whisperings of sweet flowers will come carried on a spring wind. I'm praying that one day spring comes to your mind.
揺れる花の香り 時に強く吹く風に 私の心はあなたへ重なる 彩られた日々に穏やかな日差し
Fragrances of flowers sway: When at times the wind blows strong, My heart moves moves to cross yours, Like the peaceful sunrays of those days in full color.
鮮やかな色の世界 巡る季節の中で 奏でる音を届けよう 春風が運ぶ 甘い花の囁き I hope that one day spring comes to my mind.
A world of brilliant colors throughout the turning seasons: Let our music reach out to others, like The whisperings of sweet flowers that will come carried on a spring wind. I'm praying that one day spring comes to my mind.
Every time I wake up I feel all creatures breathe warmer Let's start singing together so that spring comes to our mind
Everytime I wake up I feel all creatures breathing warmer Let's all start singing together So that spring comes to our minds
もうすぐ訪れる 穏やかな光を浴びて 目覚める風が導くの
We'll bathe in the peaceful light soon to come, and The waking wind will guide us.
鮮やかな音の世界 踊る大地の女神 彩る声が空高く響く 春風が運ぶ 甘い花の囁き I'm praying that one day spring comes to your mind.
A world of brilliant sounds, a dancing goddess of the earth: Her colorful voice will ring high into the sky, and The whisperings of sweet flowers will come carried on a spring wind. I'm praying that one day spring comes to your mind.
空に遠く響く 揺れる花の言葉
They will ring far across the sky: The swaying words o