This rainbow we’ve built together is the boundary line for The endless sky you’ve wished to fill the gaps in our hearts
震える声 白い指先にそっと 緋色に染めて 重なってひとつになった
With a shaking voice, white fingers softly Dyed scarlet, overlapping, becoming one
迷い込んだ不思議な世界 入り組んだ路は険しくて 光の射す場所を求めて ずっと歩き続けるのだろう
This mysterious world we’ve lost ourselves in, their winding roads are steep Searching for a place where the light shines, we’ll keep walking on forever
Opening this door, this key to the future Marks the start of a story, of us, together always The sky we’ve drawn spans to the ends of illusion It was all the fragments of dreams you gave to me
壊れそうな 僕の心癒した 繊細な声 いつまでも響くだろう
You healed my heart about to break Your delicate voice will ring with me forever won’t it?
遠くぼやけた景色だけが どこまでも続いているのは すれ違う日々が繰り返し 絡み合う糸が解けたから
The landscape off in the distance, blurred and dim, continues on forever For all the days we’ve missed each other, the thread tying us broken
Opening this door, this key to the future Marks the end of a story, but the end won’t be sad; This rainbow we’ve built together is the boundary line for The endless sky you’ve wished to fill the gaps in our hearts