Wild, funky, dramatic, fun but ultimately dissolving into a sense of insanity. The pride and joy of scientific achievements and the horrors of destruction that comes with it. lyrics The warning sent Our efforts bent An element's Critical mass
The greatest minds a grand design the sands of time turned into glass
do that death dance put us in that holy trance the breaking of the universe is in our hands this is what we have become this is what we have done to ourselves we can blame no one else
the goddess of destruction our salvation hallelujah
when we saw the lights in the sky we said our goodbyes
the splitting of a nucleus propelling us into eternity
do that death dance put us in that holy trance the breaking of the universe is in our hands this is what we have become this is what we have done to ourselves we can blame no one else
our future depending on narcissistic inventiveness
when we saw the lights in the sky we said our goodbyes We all knew then we were all gonna die
in BATTLE | in THE FOREST, | at the PRECIPice | in THE MOUNTAINS, ON THE | DARK GREAT SEA | , in the MIDST OF | javelins and arrows, IN SLEEP , in confusion, in the depths of shame, The good deeds a man has done before defend him
a man made sun is rising in the west bringing with it the flames of death
we engineered the end to sleep safely in our beds
when we saw the lights in the sky we said our goodbyes We all knew then we were all gonna die