I say farewell, the final call I turn and walk away, I leave it all I find that life regains its glow But the journey’s long, the going’s slow A million miles later I crave a love that’s greater Take me home again, ah…
Kthema Zot Kthema mallin që më more Kur më nise larg, ah…
Kthema Zot Vetëm loti thyen gurin Që e hodha pas
Të lutem kthema Zot Ti kthema lotin që më more Kur më nise larg
Ah… Ah…
Hear my plea Take the longing of my heartbeat Make the melody
Hear my plea As it quivers in the tear drops That you shed for me
I beg you, hear my plea Take the longing of my heartbeat For eternity
I beg you, hear my plea The pain, the suffering of today Tomorrow’s memory Ah…