MAKOTO: (The Iwatobi swim club is out on a training camp right now. Since we don’t have a budget, we pitched up tents along the coast and are spending a rather pleasant time camping out, but… there’s just one problem.)
NAGISA: Thank goodness the hotel allowed us to borrow their bath. REI: The water comes right from the source here. MAKOTO: Having a view of the stars above is nice too, since it has its own charm. HARUKA: I don’t care either way, as long as there’s water I can soak in. MAKOTO: Haru, don’t spend too long in the bath. You’ll end up a prune. [They open the door to the bath] NAGISA: Wow, it’s such a big place! Look, look! Hurry up, you three! I call first! [NAGISA tosses water over himself and jumps in] MAKOTO: Hey, Nagisa! Don’t jump into the bathtub! NAGISA: Hahhhh, this feels great… MAKOTO: A large bath is really great… Right, Haru? HARUKA: Yeah… REI: Soaking in the bath is relaxation to the mind and body. It loosens up the muscles from fatigue. NAGISA: Come to think of it, Mako-chan has a lot of muscle. MAKOTO: Me? Do I? HARUKA: Makoto’s body shape changed rather quickly during training. MAKOTO: Maybe I do gain muscle easily… NAGISA: Can I have a feel? Mako-chan, Mako-chan, try flexing. [MAKOTO flexes] NAGISA: Whoaaaa, Mako-chan! It’s really firm! REI: But Makoto-senpai, aren’t you putting on a little too much muscle? If you put on too much muscle, it’ll be more difficult for you to stay afloat. MAKOTO: I never really thought about it… NAGISA: Rei-chan, you even think about stuff like that? REI: Of course. From muscle ratio to body fat percentage, I measure and record those numbers every day, so that I may reach the perfect body for swimming. HARUKA: Then how come you can only swim butterfly stroke? REI: … [REI sinks down into the water] MAKOTO: Haru. Rei went down under. HARUKA: Sorry… NAGISA: I’m so envious of you guys… I’m trying but I can’t get big… [REI comes back out of the water] REI: Then leave that to me! MAKOTO: Ah, he came back up again. REI: Nagisa-kun, I’ll think of a menu that will be the easiest way for you to gain muscle! NAGISA: Eh, really?! Rei-chan, thank you! MAKOTO: In those terms, Haru seems to have the best body. He has muscle but not too much. HARUKA: Really? NAGISA: Haru-chan really does give the image of a dolphin. MAKOTO: Yeah… Oh, then what about me? What’s my image? REI: Makoto-senpai? NAGISA: Mako-chan is… a whale? No, that’s not it… Hmm… HARUKA: An orca. REI: An orca? NAGISA: Ehh, that’s not Mako-chan’s image! Orcas are vicious, aren’t they? MAKOTO: Why an orca? HARUKA: Because Makoto’s swimming is powerful. REI: Ahhh, it certainly is dynamic. NAGISA: I see! I guess it does feel like an orca! MAKOTO: Eh… Really? REI: Haruka-senpai, what about me? NAGISA: A hammer. [**Slang for someone who drowns easily] REI: Nagisa-kun! HARUKA: Rei is a butterfly. MAKOTO: Butterfly? NAGISA: That’s not a fish. HARUKA: He flies freely, like a butterfly. Without being held back by anything. REI: Yes… it was Haruka-senpai who told me to fly… A butterfly… a butterfly, huh… How beautiful… It’s perfect for me… NAGISA: Then what about me? HARUKA: Penguin. REI: Ahh. MAKOTO: I see. NAGISA: A penguin?! All right! REI: Eh? You’re happy about that? NAGISA: I love penguins! The reason I chose this school is not just because Haru-chan and Mako-chan were here, but also because it’s called Iwatobi! [**Rockhopper] You’ve heard of rockhopper penguins, right? I really like the school name! MAKOTO: Nagisa… I didn’t know you were that much into penguins… REI: Well, I think it’s perfect. On land you keep hopping up and down, so you’re a spitting image, Nagisa-kun. NAGISA: Right? But when I’m in water, I’m amazing. Rei-chan, you’re a spitting image too as a butterfly when yo