Rolling over the edge 徹夜輾轉 Sleeping underneath the tidal wave 醒來發現我蜷曲了一夜 Waking up in my bed 睜開眼 Getting ready for another day 迎戰新的一天 Why should I feel exhausted 腦後一股疲憊感 From taking up this space? 是因為我過度眷戀這裡嗎? Just let it remain 就這樣吧
Praying over the dead 為不幸的人祈求過 Pick the berries with the strangest taste 對於莓果的苦澀就語帶保留 It fits all in my head In the forest but I knew the way I drank my own reflection 水中倒映想起那個我 Then swam accross the lake 我跳進水中試圖找回 Whatever it takes 不管付出什麼代價
I lie and listen to the rain 只想躺著傾聽雨聲 (It’s love starting, repeats again) 此時愛正蔓延,又邁向銷毀 Turn off the light and see your face 關上燈,浮現你的臉 (I trace the shape, the path it takes) 熟悉的輪廓,我熟練得劃過 It’s not just the promises we make 除了冠冕堂皇的承諾 That we’re gonna break 我們還錯過了什麼
I can tell where I’ve been 我知道我做過什麼 Left some footprints when I ran away 因為我確保出自我的真心 No one talks at the end 他們都不予置評 They’re too far from what they want to say 因為對他們來說真心只是假意 It’s a hell of a collection 像傳染病一般 But everyone’s so fake 每個人有樣學樣 A perfect display 學的如出一轍
I lie and listen to the rain (It’s love starting, repeats again) Turn off the light and see your face (I trace the shape, the path it takes) It’s not just the love that we make 我們真心愛過 That we’re gonna take 現在還存留什麼
Spinning backwards Hands held form a ring A secret that’s worth Somersaults in.. Somersaults in spring