On the first and final day. The lovely Sheba hides away. Tense and nervously she lies. Snarling Lady is ready to spring. And hidden in the leaves the natives wait. They're ready at a sign to seal her fate. The wit's game once again begins. The last one running, is she that wins.
And Sheba's eyes fixed to the sky. Crouching to the ground, biding the time. The flowing river hides her scent, But tonight's view won't be so fine.
The first and final day. Ends in sunset's flaming haze. Paints a stillness stillness all around. The Lady must move quickly now. Her lover leaps up through the trees. And looking down aims carefully. The painted dart that will end her run. Flies through the air, the race is one.
And Sheba's eyes fixed to the skies. Crouching to the ground, biding time. The flowing river hides her scent. But tonight's view won't be so fine. But tonight's view won't be so fine.