04. 8-Bar Diagram (ft. HG Mtz, The Jotaka, Childish, Grone Da Radikal & Apostolus)
I'm the energy needed for the creation of a planet and the same force that can break it into fragments spontaneous reaction the condition needed for the replication of a plasmid sick in the head, talking actual diseases throw a punch that'll crush your mandible to pieces evil able to make an animal of Jesus got a blade that is retractable in each fist ..
I'm lost in the fade as I fornicate with the shade persuade the light, my eyes dialate at night the grenade recites and serenades my fights I conjured my acolytes from the afterlife crush, consume, dominate, destruction you could never separate my voice from this production even saw the engineer hesitate it's construction I'm the Promethean who permeates your deduction..
I should have never entered this contest my brain wave manipulation making tsunamis crash in your conscious my bars decay on this rap beat fear I deliver, my own heart afraid to attack me my hard rock destroys shit everything about me is hard, my piss can clog the toilet I do what you cowards can't I'm a vegetarian that only feeds off nuclear power plants..