Friends and kinsfolk met to deliberate To whom would they marry off their kinswoman this year
Rosy youth They deliberated To whom would they marry off their kinswoman this year
We want you to wed the son of a king Who has more gold than poor Roland has land Wed the son of a king Who has more gold than poor Roland has land
On Saturday and Sunday the word it was spread Monday and Tuesday will show what she gets Word was spread Monday and Tuesday will show what she gets
On Wednesday and Thursday the wine was made Friday and Saturday the wedding was cheered Wine was made Friday and Saturday the wedding was cheered
They drank for days, they drank for two, But the bride wouldn't to the chamber go They drank for two But the bride wouldn't to the chamber go
They drank for days, they drank for three But the bridal bed she refused for to see They drank for three But the bridal bed she refused for to see
Then entered in a poor ship's hand Wore a blue blouse both tattered and torn Poor ship's hand Wore a blue blouse both tattered and torn
He stood at the table and he spoke I see only masts and the places where they go And he spoke I see only masts and the places where they go
And the maiden went up to the high loft And ran down the path to the broad sea shore Went to the high loft And ran down the path to the broad sea shore
She ran on the rocks, she ran on tiptoe But took great care to mind the blue waves below Ran on tiptoe But took great care to mind the blue waves below
And she was invited on board the ship And there they bade her drink both mead and wine On board ship And there they bade her drink both mead and wine
I see I see on your white fingers small The wedding band has not been there for long White fingers small The wedding band has not been there for long
I see I see on your golden hair That before yesterday the wreath was not there Golden hair That before yesterday the wreath was not there
I see I see on your lily white breasts That small children they have not consoled Lily white breasts That small children they have not consoled
And now the maiden lays at poor Roland's side She feels neither sorrow nor anguish Rosy youth At poor Roland's side She feels neither sorrow nor anguish