This is a warning, warning, warning, This is a warning, warning, warning Red for blood and white for bones Blue for violence that's far from your homes A war is a war by any name Different victims but the same old game The Tricoleur and the Union Jack That's a fact The flags of Russia and the USA The same three colours, one unholy pact Red for blood and white for bones Blue for violence that's far from your homes A war is a war by any name Different victims but the same old game The beast is salivating at the mouth Preparing to gorge the south The blacks, the hispanics and vietnamese A red flag flutters in a southern breeze Red for blood and white for bones Blue for violence that's far from your homes A war is a war by any name Different victims but the same old game A war in the west A war in the east The dangerous dance Of the bear and the beast Better banks BBCi Better business EMI Better shopping Better beer We've got better guns and better gear Red for blood and white for bones Blue for violence that's far from your homes A war is a war by any name Different victims but the same old game And unholy union and an unnatural act As NATO fucked the Warsaw pact The rolled in sheets of white stained red Blue movie sound track rocked the bed.