Hours, minutes, seconds... Time passes and we are often unable to find ourselves in this our own day to day existence. Being active is doubtlessly worth because getting involved in something we really care gives, in some way, satisfaction coming from our existence. However, the question comes out what we more care about... to be or to be noticed... Is this really worth putting so much effort in actions and behaviour that in fact we don't give a fuck about??? Is it worth fighting for someone's appreciation pretending you're someone else? This is the way of creating the second self, which has nothing to do with the one true self. The opinion of others is like a chain limiting our true selves. Creating our characters on the basis of following blindly others' opinions makes no sense. We won't set us free. It will only tighten the chains. This is what is called limiting on our own wish. The only right thing is to be yourself. Fuck what others think. Fuck the way they see your thinking, clothes, behaviour. No one is perfect, it means we shouldn't look up to anyone. We may find ourselves in this whole shit, following only our own ideas and only them! This is the only way out!!!
I want to do my thing (whatever that means). I am fed up with constant showing me the way and judging. Sorry but I do not have a great fucking car and Hugo Boss' perfumes. I am not a "radical, tattooed" punkrocker who shouts with one voice with the crowd 'the one and only true' slogans. I know, I waste my life away fucking up my sense of hearing and shouting myself hoarse by screaming together with my favourite bands. I know, I am not involved in the scene enough either. I have stopped regretting that I do not belong to your winners' club. I thank you greatly for evaluation.