No choices of our own we've been assigned our roles from day one Don't even know our own interests never had the chance to discover what inspires us Told that what we're taught in school is all that's worthy to pursue
Interests outside of it have no value if it doesn't motivate you "there must be something wrong with you" Spend all our time dedicated to the very few options given outside of those narrow guidelines we can hardly imagine there's anything more!
No work today and it's bright outside but you don't know what to do now that you have your own free time The TV has always been there to pacify and keep you from asking "what do I really like?"
So many years of buying the lies that through "production" is the only way we can feel satisfied "If you're not earning money for the system you're wasting your time" but what answer will we find if we ask why?
Aren't we just wasting our time for someone else just like slaves? Fooling ourselves that we need it that we should enjoy it or at least accept it
Each day on the job we're being robbed!
They keep our food under lock and key to force us to operate this machine Slaves were used to build this civilization surely our rules didn't want to end this tradition
It just changed forms, but we're still under their control!
Chattel slavery got too costly to provide food and shelter for their property [Now They] leave that up to us and make us dependent they don't worry about us running away because we go to them
Is this all there is to life? Is this supposed to give me a purpose? I would rather die than submit to that lie!