Ждем вас в нашей группе лучшей музыки: http://vkontakte.ru/club11593629 -----------------------------------------------------
My friend came to me-ee-ee with sadness in his e-eyes, Told me that he wanted help before his country dies. Although I couldn't fee-eel the pain ah-I knew I had to tra-ay, Now I'm asking all of you help us save so-o-ome lives.
Bangla Desh, Bangla Desh Where so many people are dying fa-ast And it sure looks like a me-ess, I've never seen such distre-ess! Now won't you lend your ha-and, try to understa-and, Relieve the people of Bangla Desh.
{Bangla Desh, Bangla De-e-esh...} Such a great desa-aster I don't understa-and But it sure looks like a me-ess, I've never known such distre-ess! Now please don't turn awa-ay, I wanna he-ear you-u say "Relieve the people of Bangla De-esh!".
< Piano, sax, guitar interlude > Relieve the people of Bangla De-e-esh.
{Bangla Desh, Bangla De-e-esh...} Now it may seem so fa-ar from where we all a-a-are - It's something we can't reje-ect, That suff'ring I can't negle-ect! Now won't you give some bre-ead, get the starving fe-ed. We've got to relieve Ba-a-angla De-e-esh!
< Sax interlude > Relieve the people of Ba-angla De-e-esh... We've got to relieve Ba-a-angla De-e-esh!
< Guitar & sax interlude > Now won't you lend your ha-and trying understa-and, Relieve the people of Ba-angla Desh...