Would Napoleon have waited...? Killing the woman should be easy, killing the louse should be pretty easy. Nesting in piles of my theories, contratingdictacontradicting. There's "Sisyphus can push that rock forever" and "Lowering your standards is satisfying." Would Napoleon have waited? Like a sweaty peach, I bit into you. Like to a novel, I will close you; bored, perhaps, or happy with the meaning, the pressed together pages suffocating. Victorian still-lives starve out feeling. (The fruits will be forever never eaten.) Your face is raining on my life and I can't help but reflect on the puddles you're making without wondering what good might come of it. I took a painting and tore it up and drowned in the puddles of the beauty it was leaking, when all I wanted was to hold you and feel guilty about not feeling guilty.
Would Napoleon have waited...? Killing that woman wasn't easy.